thankful thursdays: Thankful Thursdays…For Good People - 09/06/23 03:20 PM
Thankful Thursdays…For Good People
There’s nothing I like better than a feel-good story!
This weekend’s College GameDay on ESPN covered the kind of story that brings a big smile to your face and tears to your eyes. 
It is the story of 2 Eastern Michigan football players…Zack Conti, a walk-on Offensive Lineman, and his teammate and captain, Brian Dooley, a senior on scholarship. 
Conti wanted to play college football so much that he was working two jobs (landscaping and pulling tile and carpet) and donating his plasma. He was considering using the transfer portal to go to a smaller school where he might be eligible … (21 comments)

thankful thursdays: Thankful Thursdays…For the Little Courtesies - 07/19/23 05:32 PM
Thankful Thursdays…For the Little Courtesies
When we moved back to Houston, my heart shouted a big yee-haw when we went to the grocery store and the cashier asked how my day was going.  We addressed each other as “mam.” And, as I left the register, she said “Have a blessed day.” 
I love it when people open doors for others or when they smile and say “good morning” whether or not they know you. 
How about when a  perfect stranger asks you if you need help with your packages?  
Every day we read of people who take (aka steal) from stores and others…people who act … (17 comments)

thankful thursdays: Thankful Thursdays…for Handshakes - 06/28/23 01:59 PM
Thankful Thursdays…for Handshakes
I met someone recently and I received something I’d not experienced in quite a while….a simple handshake. 
Handshakes have been around forever. They must be important because the month of June has two days that celebrate the handshake…World Handshake Day is June 21 and National Handshake Day is observed on the last Thursday in June. 
In my previous jobs I was in sales and business development…lots of handshakes!  You learned how to offer a proper handshake…not one that crushed and not one that was like a limp fish or one that shook someone’s fingers.

Sports teams…young and old…shake hands after a … (26 comments)

thankful thursdays: Celebrating Those Who Give…Thank You, Cheryl Whitfield - 06/07/23 05:20 PM
Celebrating Those Who Give…Thank You, Cheryl Whitfield, of the Fallen Warrior’s Memorial
Larry and I make a point of stopping by the Fallen Warriors Memorial several times a month. 
As we do on every patriotic holiday, we were there this past Memorial Day. There were flags everywhere. In fact, one gentleman we saw carried a large U.S. flag as he walked through the memorial. The flowers bordering the memorial proudly shouted red, white, and blue. 
On this day, we were honored to meet Cheryl Whitfield, founder of the National Memorial Ladies, and the force behind the Fallen Warrior Memorial. 
While Ms. Whitfield did not lose … (19 comments)

thankful thursdays: Thankful Thursdays…For This Inspiring Teacher - 05/17/23 02:45 PM
Thankful Thursdays…For This Inspiring Teacher
Teachers work hard in a profession that is taking a beating and never seems to pay enough. 
The other day I read about Rebecka Peterson, the 2023 National Teacher of the Year. 

What impressed me, besides being given the honor, was that she has elevated being a math teacher to being a teacher who inspires her students. 
Ms Peterson initially taught at the college level then moved into teaching high school students. She admits that this was overwhelming for her. 
She discovered a “One Good Thing” blog written by teachers to share any positives, good deeds, successes, and joy from their … (20 comments)

thankful thursdays: Thankful/Throwback Thursdays...So Grateful It’s Not 2021 - 02/22/23 02:59 PM
Thankful/Throwback Thursdays...So Grateful It’s Not 2021
We have temperatures in the low 80s this week and are incredibly grateful for that. Just over two years ago, our state had snow, ice, and freezing temperatures. 
South Texas is always prepared for hurricanes and floods but if it snows or there is ice on the roads, we drive as if we’ve never driven a car before.
I’m a huge believer in learning from experiences…good and bad. I’m almost obsessive about it. For example, after each hurricane, I’d make a list of what to do or have for the next hurricane. 
What did I learn from our … (22 comments)

thankful thursdays: Thankful Thursdays…for Chocolate - 02/08/23 04:50 PM
Thankful Thursdays…for Chocolate
When I read somewhere that today is chocolate day, all sorts of sweet chocolatey thoughts ran through my head. 
As the years go by, I try to limit my intake of sugar. It is a policy of mine not to ingest wasted calories and sugar (as measured by how good it tastes.).
However, a piece of really good dark chocolate candy…the Godiva chocolate cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory…or any good homemade chocolate dessert are always welcomed. 
Besides being fun to eat, chocolate also has some health benefits…good for the heart, improves brain function, reduces stress, and more!
We’re lucky to have an … (21 comments)

thankful thursdays: Thankful Thursdays…To Speak and Think Freely - 02/01/23 06:33 PM
Thankful Thursdays…To Speak and Think Freely
Yes, this may be an odd topic but lately, I feel that more than ever I treasure and appreciate the fact that I was born in a country where I am free to think and speak freely. 
If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. George Washington
Short of shouting fire in a crowded room and a few other restrictions our free speech is guaranteed in the First Amendment of our Constitution.
And yet, I fear that there are some who take this freedom for granted…easy … (13 comments)

thankful thursdays: Thankful Thursdays…For the People I Don’t Know - 01/25/23 06:09 PM
Thankful Thursdays…For the People I Don’t Know
Sounds a bit confusing, I know, but there are people I see every day who are a part of my life however, I don’t know them. 
Oh, I know some of their names, and there are some I know enough to smile and say “hello” to.. There are a few we stop and chat with on occasion. 
There’s Judith who plays the organ every Sunday…Thad and Wiley, his dog, who always has a big smile on his face (Thad, not the dog) …Sandra who twisted her ankle on a sweet gum tree ball… and many more. 
There is … (29 comments)

thankful thursdays: Celebrating Those Who Give… - 12/11/22 05:03 PM
Celebrating Those Who Give…
Raise your hand if you have received a surprise phone call from Margaret Rome Baltimore 410-530-2400. I would bet that most of us here have and if not, all I can say is if you receive a call from Baltimore…answer it!
I don’t remember what year it was but when I got my “Margaret” call, I could not have been more surprised or excited. 

( Margaret always asks…What am I interrupting?” )
Margaret continues to blog here after all these years not for SEO but for the many other perks of being active here offers.  I may be wrong but I … (25 comments)

thankful thursdays: Thankful Thursdays…Grateful For My Life - 12/07/22 05:44 PM
Thankful Thursdays…Grateful For My Life
It’s a broad topic, I know. But now that hindsight has given me sharper vision and a lot more scenery in my rearview mirror, I have come to realize that the paths presented to me and as a result, the roads I have chosen have brought me to where I am…which is a pretty darn good life. 
I had the benefit of being influenced by the Chinese, Texas, and Southern cultures.  I  celebrated Chinese New Year with mouth-watering 12-course Chinese dinners…learned to love Tex-Mex and brisket…and understood what it meant if you told someone “Bless your heart.”
There was … (27 comments)

thankful thursdays: Thankful Thursdays…for My Gift From Heaven - 11/30/22 03:07 PM
Thankful Thursdays…for My Gift From Heaven
Four+ decades ago some co-workers and I went to a Metaphysicist/psychic…just for fun. I have no idea who put the bee in our bonnets but off we went. 
I was told that my gentleman friend and I were not married but that we had been in at least three of our previous lives and would be again. 
Well…Larry and I have been together for 45 years and today I celebrate the birthday of this brilliant, Renaissance man. 
Fighter pilot, diver, boater, kayaker, hunter,  baker, builder…he is all of this and more. He can take anything apart and fix it…or … (20 comments)

thankful thursdays: Grateful for the Goodness In People - 11/21/22 06:13 PM
Grateful for the Goodness In People
The news today is made up of bad people doing horrific things. If you read too much of it, you fear for the state of society. 
What lifts me up and keeps me from living in a deep funk when every bit of news I hear or read is bad is the belief that people generally have goodness in them. 
For example, during the World Series,  2 strangers, one an Astros fan, and the other a Phillies fan helped each other get to Houston from Milwaukee on time for the first pitch of Game 1.  
On Halloween night, a … (22 comments)

thankful thursdays: Grateful, Proud, and Full of Joy - 11/07/22 04:19 PM
Grateful, Proud, and Full of Joy
You know your cup is full when you find it difficult trying to choose a topic for the November 2022 Thanksgiving Gratitude Challenge.  
This one was a no-brainer for me and I’m sure no surprise to you.  I am so GRATEFUL that our Houston Astros proved to be the champions we all knew they were.  Last Saturday they became the 2022 World Series Champions. 
 I am thankful for ActiveRain friends like Carol Williams, Dorie Dillard Austin TX, Hannah Williams, Will Hamm, and others who reminded me to breathe during the game!
I am PROUD at … (21 comments)

thankful thursdays: Thankful Thursday…For Our Daily Walks - 11/02/22 04:39 PM
Thankful Thursday…For Our Daily Walks
Over 15 years ago, Larry and I were out with our Florida extended family for our annual New Year’s Eve dinner. Needless to say, our table was overflowing with food and some adult beverages. 
I’m not sure who brought it up but the suggestion was made to go out to one of the Nature Preserves to walk off our huge dinner and start the New Year off right.

That was the beginning of our daily walks because, on the second day of the New Year, we were out at Green cay Wetlands in Boynton beach for the first … (20 comments)

thankful thursdays: Thankful Thursdays…Blessed To Have Him - 09/28/22 02:40 PM
Thankful Thursdays…Blessed To Have Him

Just a few days before Hurricane Harvey (2017) made his presence known in Houston, my niece and her husband gratefully received little Raffe, who was just 9 days old. 
They began their journey as foster parents with the ultimate goal of adoption.  This week we celebrated his Adoption Day…September 27, 2019. 
He became a part of our family from the moment he entered our lives. My heart takes a special beat just thinking about the life he might have had were it not for my niece and her husband. 
However, the blessings are a two-way street. Our family has been … (39 comments)

thankful thursdays: How Can We Honor Them? - 09/14/22 04:44 PM
How Can We Honor Them?
From time to time, we visit the Fallen Warriors Memorial here in Cypress, TX to walk there in the park and pay our respects. 
 We stopped by on September 11 this year because part of the Memorial includes a tribute to Service Dogs. One, in particular, is Bretagne who served as part of the search and rescue efforts in New York after 9/11. 
If you look closely at the statue you can see at the bottom what represents the steel beams from the towers. 
Prior to 9/11, Bretagne helped with rescue efforts after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Besides being a … (28 comments)

thankful thursdays: Thankful Thursdays…This is What It’s All About - 08/10/22 04:42 PM
Thankful Thursdays…This is What It’s All About
The world we live in seems to be going topsy-turvy. It makes me wonder if the values we were taught have been thrown out the door.

This week I watched some of the Little League World Series Regional games. East Texas (Pearland) was playing Oklahoma. 

These players are between 10 and 12 years of age but have learned more about sportsmanship and doing the right thing than many adults I’ve met. 
The pitch from East Texas’ Shelton got away and hit Isaiah Jarvis on the side of the helmet. Thankfully, after falling to the ground, Jarvis was … (33 comments)

thankful thursdays: Thankful Thursday…For Our Weekly Get-togethers (ZOOM-togethers).  - 07/13/22 05:10 PM
Thankful Thursday…For Our Weekly Get-togethers (ZOOM-togethers). 
It’s hard to believe that it’s been over two years since we began our weekly Zoom meetings. 
I’m not sure when we began but thank you Marie Story for getting us started back in early 2020. Most of us were in some variation of keeping our distance from others when that virus began.
From May 2020!
For Larry and me, it wasn’t too difficult because we had each other and lived in an area that was kept pretty open. We said hello to friends and family via our driveways, and got outside to walk where we interacted … (32 comments)

thankful thursdays: Thankful Thursdays…for This Beautiful Spirit - 07/06/22 06:55 PM
Thankful Thursdays…for This Beautiful Spirit
This could actually be a Throwback Thursday as well as a Thankful Thursday post because I’ve shared this story before. 
Many years ago an agent I’d met through the Board of Realtors gave me the opportunity and honor of providing a staging consultation for which I would be paid nothing. 

Yvonne made a personal pledge to herself that once a year she would donate her services to a seller in need. 
Her client wanted to sell his modest home so he could move in with relatives in the north. There were financial and mental concerns so we were limited in … (27 comments)





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