thomas j nelson realtor bay park: You're Paying For The Years, Not The Hour - 09/18/23 05:16 PM
There was a cruise ship that broke down 3 hours before departure. In a panic the cruise line called out their "big guns" in-house maintenance crew who arrived with 15 mechanics and technicians that toiled away for 60 minutes.
No Luck, no repair.
In a bigger panic the cruise line Googled the best 5 Star maintenance crew and had them rushed out to the cruise ship. They arrived with all the latest high tech electronics and tools, digital this and computerized that, where they toiled away for 90 minutes. No Luck, no repair.
With 30 minutes before a fully booked boat was to … (14 comments)

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Looking for CA Love - The Needle in The Haystack of Needles - 09/14/23 09:15 AM
California has 39.24 million citizens and my city of San Diego
has 1.39 million citizens.
How do I and/or how do you stand out?
In any state or providence; how do YOU stand out?

I'm not just an agent, I'm a REALTOR®! Nope, 202,970 other CA agents are REALTORS® too! And the public thinks all 434,000 licensed real estate agents in CA are REALTORS®.
I have designations from extensive training! The alphabet soup after your name means nothing other than you and the instructor that sold you the designation.
Less than 50% of agents can even identify most acronyms and the general public 100% has no … (4 comments)

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Whiskey's Wisdom: Tenacity Enjoys The Winner's Circle - 09/01/23 08:11 AM
"Persistence Trumps Talent."
An Unknown Author but Most Attributed to Author Daniel Pink
Your action for today
is to reflect on where
your persistence has paid off.
Whiskey proves this quote right nightly in the kitchen.
I have the cooking skills to create wonderful meals,
Whiskey has the persistence to lack this talent
yet enjoy many tasty samples from these same meals.
I never set out to reward his begging, but he's crafted it into a very subtle "puppy dog eyes stare" as you'll see below.
This is literally a photo of him at our kitchen's edge wearing me down. He just out lasts me. He is a master negotiator because … (17 comments)

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Whiskey's Wisdom: Fail Less Than You Win, But You Need To Risk Failure - 09/01/23 08:11 AM
"I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career.
I've lost almost 300 games.
26 times I've been trusted to take
the game-winning shot... and missed.
I've failed over and over and over again in my life.
And that is why I succeed."
~ Michael Jordan

Your action for today
is to revisit a situation you failed to succeed in
and with a new approach, go for it again!
Design An Extraordinary Day!
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We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
All our properties come with 3D Virtual Tours
and Professional … (6 comments)

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Whiskey's Wisdom: Going The Extra Mile - 09/01/23 08:11 AM
"Look for every opportunity
to go the extra mile.
That's how you become extra special
and extra successful."
~Writer, Steve Ventura
My Mentor Brian Buffini grew up house painting
in Dublin, Ireland
and his Dad taught him about 
going the extra mile. 
They would paint a room, 
then clean it and put all new light bulbs
in all the fixtures. Why?
Because the paint always looked better
in a clean room with bright, consistent lighting.
Boom! The Extra Mile.

Your action for today
is to do something that is
over and above the call of duty.
I do this often in real estate and for friends
when they are in a tough spot.
I've helped female friends … (10 comments)

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Whiskey's Wisdom: I Believe - I Can - I Will - 09/01/23 08:07 AM
"If you hear a voice within you say:
'you can't paint,'
then by all means paint,
and that voice will be silenced."
~ Vincent Van Gogh
Your action for today
is to think of something
you've believed you can't do
but really want to do,
…and take one step
toward accomplishing it.
Here's the reality: 
Shaquille O'Neil is never going to become a professional jockey no matter how much he wants it, trains for it or believes he can do it. But, here's what he can do:
1. He can take that believe and pour it into something equally motivating on his Bucket List that is possible; maybe a … (10 comments)

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Whiskey's Wisdom: Plant Your Seeds - 08/26/23 07:14 AM
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap,
but by the seeds you plant."
Novelist and Poet, Robert Louis Stevenson
This quote speaks to The Law of The Harvest:
You can only control your actions,
you can not control the results.
Knowing not every seed germinates,
requires you to sow
more than you can expect to reap. 
But the beauty of the harvest, 
is that every seed that produces
carries the potential for -
the compound effect at harvest.
Your action for today
is to focus on what you can do
to help others throughout the day.
~ The Law of The Harvest ~
Design An Extraordinary Day!
👉 Get After It / Take Action … (15 comments)

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Whiskey's Wisdom: Laughing At The Mirror - 08/20/23 06:59 AM
"Managing to have a sense of humor
makes it much easier to manage people."
~Psychologist, Steve Wilson

Your action for today
is to have a good laugh
about one of your funny quirks.
Design An Extraordinary Day!
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
All our properties come with 3D Virtual Tours
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills...
most agents do not possess!
Contact us for a pressure-FREE consultation.
More joyful stories, photos, antidotes,
quotes and inspiration found here:

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Whiskey's Wisdom: Here Comes The Sun - 08/07/23 06:40 AM
"Things turn out best for the people
who make the best of the way things turn out."
~Radio and TV Personality, Art Linkletter
Your action for today
is to take a challenge or setback
you are currently experiencing
and turn it into a learning opportunity.
Design An Extraordinary Day!
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
All our properties come with 3D Virtual Tours
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills...
most agents do not possess!
Contact us for a pressure-FREE consultation.
More joyful stories, photos, antidotes,
quotes and inspiration found here:

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Whiskey's Wisdom: Movement vs. Direction - 08/06/23 07:33 AM
"Talent without discipline
is like an octopus on roller skates.
There's plenty of movement,
but you never know if it's going
to be forward, backwards, or sideways."
Writer, H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Your action for today
is to force yourself to finish
a project or goal you have been
procrastinating on.
Your action for today
is to call someone and tell them
you appreciate them being in your life.
I'm doing this with someone I lost touch with
yet they were a big part of my real estate career.
Today's his birthday, great excuse to pour
some love and appreciation on him.
Design An Extraordinary Weekend!
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We work 100% By Referral!
Our … (5 comments)

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Whiskey's Wisdom: …Let Me Count The Ways - 08/04/23 06:31 AM
"Never close your lips to those to whom
you have opened your heart."
~Author, Charles Dickens

Your action for today
is to call someone and tell them
you appreciate them being in your life.
I'm doing this with someone I lost touch with
yet they were a big part of my real estate career.
Today's his birthday, great excuse to pour
some love and appreciation on him.
Design An Extraordinary Weekend!
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
All our properties come with 3D Virtual Tours
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills...
most agents … (12 comments)

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Whiskey's Wisdom: Happiness Is Decided Not Found - 08/03/23 06:52 AM
"A happy person is not a person
 in a certain set of circumstances,
but rather a person
with a certain set of attitudes."
~Broadcaster and Television Producer, Hugh Downs
Your action for today
is to focus on maintaining
a happy attitude for the whole day.

Design An Extraordinary Day!
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
All our properties come with 3D Virtual Tours
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills...
most agents do not possess!
Contact us for a pressure-FREE consultation.
More joyful stories, photos, antidotes,
quotes and inspiration found here:

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Whiskey's Wisdom: Tell Them The Whole Story! - 08/01/23 06:14 PM
"The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there."
~ Coach Vince Lombardi

Your action for today is
to think about one of your
greatest achievements or your career
and reflect on what it took
 for you to get there.
Design An Extraordinary Day!
Newer agents often ask me:
How do I get a database as big as yours?
How do I earn over $100,000 / year
How are you getting so many closings each year?
What I share with them is...👇
Whiskey Graduated Puppy School Feb 2023

I share with them, do you want to know the whole story?
Because it began over 35 years ago and it's not sexy.
I'm a 35 year-in-the-making-overnight … (9 comments)

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Whiskey's Wisdom: Make Their Day! - 07/23/23 05:48 AM
"It is nice to be important,
but it is more important to be nice."
An Unknown Author (Probably Mom)

Your action for today
is to make someone's day!
Write a thank you card
or personal note to someone.
Tech alternative:
record a short
30-50 second video text;
tell someone how much
you appreciate them.
Design An Extraordinary Day!
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
All our properties come with 3D Virtual Tours
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills...
most agents do not possess!
Contact us for a pressure-FREE consultation.
More joyful stories, photos, antidotes,
quotes and inspiration found here:
Postcards … (8 comments)

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Whiskey's Wisdom: Pop Quiz - 07/23/23 05:48 AM
"Experience is a hard teacher
because she gives the test first,
the lesson afterwards."
Former Pitcher, Vernon Sanders Law

Your action for today
is to think of something
you would do differently in hindsight
and what lesson did that experience teach you.

Design An Extraordinary Day!
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
All our properties come with 3D Virtual Tours
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills...
most agents do not possess!
Contact us for a pressure-FREE consultation.
More joyful stories, photos, antidotes,
quotes and inspiration found here:
Postcards From Success Facebook Page

Photo by Katerina Holmes:

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Meant To Be - 07/15/23 07:14 AM
Meant To Be
When you represent buyers in a sellers market, I truly believe your #1 priority is preserving their joy for the process, because it's going to be a tough journey that will test their resolve and patience.
We need to give them the following:

Realistic Expectations: This is a highly competitive market, expect to take 2-4 months to get an accepted offer and expect to on average have written 4-6 well written offers that just don't get chosen. Realistic Numbers: The market says this house is worth between $800,000 and $850,000 but, if you want to buy it in this … (7 comments)

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Whiskey's Wisdom: Life's Instructions Doggy-style - 07/13/23 08:11 AM
"It is a very funny thing about life -
if you refuse to accept anything but the best you very often get it."
Novelist and Playwright, W. Somerset Maugham
Your action for today is
to bring the best of yourself
to your interactions with others.

Whiskey's Bonus Tips:

Wag your tail at everyone you meet, they may become a new friend. 
Be Friendly (Plus, they may have treats!) Use your best "puppy dog eyes" to get what you want, barking rarely works.
Be Pleasantly Persuasive, never give up! If you hold your toy long enough while staring at your humans, they will eventually cave in and play … (7 comments)

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Sensationalized, Confused and Conflicted...Let's Make Some Sense Of It - 07/10/23 04:39 PM
The media will sensationalize, confuse, and conflict real estate information.
Local, full-time professional Real Estate Agents are the best source of info, (and lenders they work with like  Jason E. Gordon) because they working in your neighborhoods every week. They have the scoop, they are in the trenches.
Economists do not guess their predictions; they research the 30-year trends and other economic factors to come up with what may seem like bold predictions, but they are very fact based, historical trend based and mathematical, not theoretical.
"RENT THE RATE, BUY THE HOME, Then Refinance … (18 comments)

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: 1 Spoonful Of Unpleasant Today or 3 Spoonfuls Of Nasty Tomorrow - 07/10/23 03:58 PM
The Real State of Real Estate
Take A Spoonful Of Nasty Today or Take 3 Spoonfuls Of Nasty Tomorrow. What I mean is don't wait for rates to drop! You can buy the house today with still somewhat negotiable sellers,  manageable prices and good rates today; or wait and pay 3x's as much for the same house tomorrow, or not be able to afford the house tomorrow and have to buy a condo and deal with multiple offers, escalating fees and non-negotiable buyers.
Either way you're dealing with a tough situation, but you can rent the rate, buy the house and dump the … (5 comments)

thomas j nelson realtor bay park: Lessons From The Torch (3) - 07/08/23 06:00 AM
The BBB Torch Awards and What They Taught Me (Part 3 of 3)
Part 1
Part 2
When a local bank nominated me as a REALTOR® who employs 1-4 employees for a Better Business Bureau Torch Award I went through a very surreal reaction:
It's quite humbling. I didn't know they were watching. It's an honor that they took notice. I was blown away to learn that out of over 30,000 San Diego real estate licensees I was one of only three REALTORS® nominated.  There's an intense interview process I had to go through in phases: 1. Video introduction submission
2. Written Q&A submission
3. A … (4 comments)

Thomas J. Nelson, REALTOR ® e-Pro CRS RCS-D Vets, CEO of Vision Drive Realty - Coastal San Diego (Big Block Realty 858.232.8722)

Thomas J. Nelson, REALTOR ® e-Pro CRS RCS-D Vets

CEO of Vision Drive Realty - Coastal San Diego

La Jolla, CA

More about me…

Big Block Realty 858.232.8722

Address: 8895 Towne Centre Dr. , Suite 105 #436 , San Diego, CA, 92122

Mobile: 858-232-8722





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