All About Washington Real Estate

By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & Broker I have seen what a laugh can do. It can transform almost unbearable tears into something bearable, even hopeful!Attributed to Bob Hope (1903 - 2003) Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog post! This post was researched, authored, and photo by Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, ©2008-2023, all rights reserved. All information is deemed reliable; however it should be independently verified by the reader. Any reproduction of this blog post is prohibited without the prior written permission of the author…
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By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
  Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & Broker Be hopeful. Be optimistic. Never lose that sense of hope!Attributed to  John Lewis  (1940 ~) Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog post! This post was researched, authored, and photo by Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, ©2008-2023, all rights reserved. All information is deemed reliable; however it should be independently verified by the reader. Any reproduction of this blog post is prohibited without the prior written permission of the author…
Comments 8
By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC, Mason County, Washington's preferred real estate Agent and Broker The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well!  Ralph Waldo Emerson   312 I wish you joy!t&p 
Comments 14
By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
 Food for Thoughts 9/25/2023  (Quotes to ponder & motivate you!) Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & BrokerIn any competitive environment, whether you're in sales or marketing or whatever it is, you have to know your competition, understand who they are, do intelligent analysis on them and then you have to know yourself, who you are and what you're capable of doing !Attributed to . Edwin Moses (1955~) Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog post! This post was researched, authored, and photo is by Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, © 2008-2023, all rights reserved. All information is deemed reliable; however it should be independently verified by the reader. Any reproduction of this blog pos...
Comments 5
By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
Food for Thoughts 9/24/2023  (Quotes to ponder & motivate you!) Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & BrokerNobody is gonna love you like you. You're gonna be your best salesman!Attributed to T.I. (1980~) Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog post! This post was researched, authored, and photo is by Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, © 2008-2023, all rights reserved. All information is deemed reliable; however it should be independently verified by the reader. Any reproduction of this blog post is prohibited without the prior written permission of the author…
Comments 1
By inboundREM Market Updates
Relocating to Spokane and Its Cost of Living Looking to enjoy the good life in the Inland Northwest? Consider moving to Spokane, which offers an exceptional quality of life without breaking the bank. To give context, let's dive into the numbers. Spokane's cost of living index is 98.6 compared to the U.S. median of 100. An individual's average cost of living is around $1,942, while a family of four can comfortably manage about $5,023, including rent. It ranks in the top 18% of the most expensive cities globally. However, housing is where your dollars smile the widest. The average home price hovers around $383,100. Compared to many major U.S. cities, Spokane's housing costs are a breath of fresh air. You can snag a comfortable apartment or a cozy family home without sacrificing a sizable...
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By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
 Food for Thought 9/24/2023  (Quotes to ponder & motivate you!)Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & Broker  In sales, a referral is the key to the door of resistance!Attributed to Bo Bennett (1972 ~)Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog post! This post was researched, authored, and photo by Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, ©2008-2023, all rights reserved. All information is deemed reliable; however it should be independently verified by the reader. Any reproduction of this blog post is prohibited without the prior written permission of the author…
Comments 5
By Denise Lones, CSP, MIRM, CDEI - Real Estate Coaching & Branding
(The Lones Group, Inc.)
Wake Up! HB1110 and HB1337 Are Now Law AND THEY ARE CHANGING HOW YOU WILL DO BUSINESS! This week I want to talk about what is changing in housing here in Washington State, with two new housing bills that Governor Jay Inslee signed-into law this past May, 2023. The first one I want to talk about is HB1110. For those of you who don't know about it, please look it up. This legislation was designed to increase middle-housing opportunities in areas that were traditionally zoned single-family residential (SFR). That means that there are huge changes that have happened regarding what can be done with land that was originally zoned to only have one home on it. This legislation is changing how agents: Price Property: Finding comparative properties and knowing how to price property that can supp...
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By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
  Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & Broker Aim for the sky, but move slowly, enjoying every step along the way. It is all those little steps that make the journey complete!Attributed to Chanda Kochhar (1966 ~)Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog post! This post was researched, authored, and photo by Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, ©2008-2023, all rights reserved. All information is deemed reliable; however it should be independently verified by the reader. Any reproduction of this blog post is prohibited without the prior written permission of the author…
Comments 13
By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
aul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & Broker  If you're going to do a job, do it right. If you're going to throw a birthday party, make it amazing. If you're going to do anything, do it awesome!Attributed to Jimmy John Liautaud (1964~) Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog post! This post was researched, authored, and photo is by Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, © 2008-2023, all rights reserved. All information is deemed reliable; however it should be independently verified by the reader. Any reproduction of this blog post is prohibited without the prior written permission of the author…
Comments 15
By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
  Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & Broker Our thoughts create our reality - where we put our focus is the direction we tend to go!Attributed to Peter McWilliams (1949 - 2000)Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog post! This post was researched, authored, and photo by Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, ©2008-2023, all rights reserved. All information is deemed reliable; however it should be independently verified by the reader. Any reproduction of this blog post is prohibited without the prior written permission of the author…
Comments 9
By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
  Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & Broker Stop the habit of wishful thinking and start the habit of thoughtful wishes!Attributed to Mary Martin (1913 - 1990)Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog post! This post was researched, authored, and photo by Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, ©2008-2023, all rights reserved. All information is deemed reliable; however it should be independently verified by the reader. Any reproduction of this blog post is prohibited without the prior written permission of the author…Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & Broker  f the author…
Comments 9
By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
 Foods for Thoughts 9/18/2023  (Quotes to ponder & motivate you!) Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & Broker  Wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been!Attributed to Jimmy Buffett (1946 - 2023) Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog post! This post was researched, authored, and photo is by Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, © 2008-2023, all rights reserved. All information is deemed reliable; however it should be independently verified by the reader. Any reproduction of this blog post is prohibited without the prior written permission of the author…
Comments 6
By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
 Foods for Thoughts 9/18/2023  (Quotes to ponder & motivate you!) Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & Broker  I'm inspired by people who keep on rolling, no matter their age!Attributed to Jimmy Buffett (1946 - 2023) Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog post! This post was researched, authored, and photo is by Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, © 2008-2023, all rights reserved. All information is deemed reliable; however it should be independently verified by the reader. Any reproduction of this blog post is prohibited without the prior written permission of the author…
Comments 3
By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
Food for Thoughts 9/18/2023  (Quotes to ponder & motivate you!) Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & Broker  It takes no more time to see the good side of life than it takes to see the bad!Attributed to Jimmy Buffett (1946 - 2023) Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog post! This post was researched, authored, and photo is by Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, © 2008-2023, all rights reserved. All information is deemed reliable; however it should be independently verified by the reader. Any reproduction of this blog post is prohibited without the prior written permission of the author…
Comments 3
By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
 Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & Broker  Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can!Attributed to Paul Tournier(1898 - 1986) Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog post! This post was researched, authored, and photo is by Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, © 2008-2023, all rights reserved. All information is deemed reliable; however it should be independently verified by the reader. Any reproduction of this blog post is prohibited without the prior written permission of the author…
Comments 11
By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
 Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & Broker  Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities!Attributed to Dr. Seuss (1904 - 1991) Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog post! This post was researched, authored, and photo is by Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, © 2008-2023, all rights reserved. All information is deemed reliable; however it should be independently verified by the reader. Any reproduction of this blog post is prohibited without the prior written permission of the author…
Comments 12
By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
 Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & Broker  I have come to the conclusion that the most important element in human life is faith?Attributed to Rose Kennedy (1890 - 1995) Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog post! This post was researched, authored, and photo is by Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, © 2008-2023, all rights reserved. All information is deemed reliable; however it should be independently verified by the reader. Any reproduction of this blog post is prohibited without the prior written permission of the author…
Comments 10
By Denise Lones, CSP, MIRM, CDEI - Real Estate Coaching & Branding
(The Lones Group, Inc.)
The Real Remodeling Timeline As interest rates continue to cause gridlock, several of the agents in my ENCORE coaching group have indicated that would-be sellers on their potential client list are considering sticking with their low interest rate mortgage and are choosing to explore remodeling instead. From what I can see, one industry that has it worse than the real estate industry when it comes to gridlock is the residential construction industry. Builders are currently stymied by: Interest rates (on their own projects) Labor shortages in both their own companies as well as other companies they may sub out to Materials shortages Permitting timelines Changes in the code Environmental requirements (revisions to the energy code, stormwater, tree removal, etcetera) All of these issues ca...
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By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
 Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, Fathom Realty WA LLC Kitsap, Pierce and Mason county, Washington's preferred waterfront real estate Agent & Broker  People deal too much with the negative, with what is wrong. Why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom?Attributed to Thich Nhat Hanh (1926 -2022) Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog post! This post was researched, authored, and photo is by Paul Henderson, REALTOR®, © 2008-2023, all rights reserved. All information is deemed reliable; however it should be independently verified by the reader. Any reproduction of this blog post is prohibited without the prior written permission of the author…
Comments 11
Washington Real Estate Agents and Real Estate Professionals