Washington County, UT Real Estate News

By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Know a Quiet Quitter? Quiet quitting is defined as the act of putting in the minimum amount of effort to get a job done but declining to go the extra mile for a client in a business transaction or any sort of work environment. This typically means:- showing up unprepared to work- forgoing giving any helpful advice - refusing to work beyond a set of hours Due to a lack of motivation, low productivity results on the part of the quiet quitter. Quite often, they are more focused about getting a check in-hand, less concerned about nurturing people relationships. I can't relate to lazy people. We don't speak the same language. - John Spencer Ellis Most likely, parents enabled their every move so they lack emotional maturity or any form of internal drive. Going above and beyond is wasted think...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Crazy Don't Play A member asked a question in the Q & A section here in the Rain about a potentially volatile and expensive situation. These thoughts were the results of that conversation: Have you ever been in the cross hairs of a tantrum thrower who fires verbal projectiles at close proximity or sends untrue written accusations to your friends, employer or landlord? While it's impossible to dodge every event like this that occurs in life, you can avoid being reduced by some narcissists. Remain calm, then quickly separate yourself, like fast! "If you see crazy coming,cross the street!" Iyanla Vanzant It's best to avoid being constantly pulled into another person’s drama or out-of-control fits. You can choose to forgive, however, don't ever forget the behavior and what might drive that ...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
KISS my WHAT?! Believe it or not, the concept of KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) was coined by the U.S. Navy as part of their systems goals. In design school, the same phrase became a desired result to be gained by avoiding the overly-complicated. My professor told me that people in business prefer an informed, straight forward approach, rather than sugar-coating or beating around the bush to prove a point. That advice stuck and determines how I continue to practice. "So the writer who breeds more words than he needs, is making a chore for the reader who reads." ~Dr. Suess From the time, I get the call for real estate guidance, everything becomes set in motion. Diligently working behind the scenes, to gather all necessary information that becomes an integral part of the real estate transac...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Neigh, neigh! I say. Taking a humorous approach in business has kept me from becoming a cynical person, especially when unforeseen or contrived circumstances present. Let's face it, not everything that happens in real estate is positive and uplifting! Things may go south, sellers become frustrated, buyers get agitated, their agents quite often carry the brunt of the situation. Preventing unnecessary drama in a transaction can be done when everyone remains to the professional side.  Hold onto what makes you happy. If it tries to buck you off, just hold on tighter! Unwise for those that get caught up in the transactional drama along with their buyer/seller clients.  It’s uncomfortable to be anywhere close to that. My guiding role is to be a solve problem-solver rather than add to chaotic ...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Practicing The Golden Rule For Clients Sake! Following up and through, in any industry, gains trust when serving the consumer in a business transaction. When telling clients I will do something, it's done! If prevented from that, the message is relayed promptly. Timeliness is most appreciated, especially with quick deadlines straight ahead.  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  Good communication is a lifeline to business and shows in final outcomes. Anything less is unacceptable, especially in a time where, sending or receiving messages can be done with a few clicks of the finger. The breakdown in relationships can be prevented with sincere effort to put the clients needs first.  Home buyers often forget their agent very quickly because of the sudden disappearance afte...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Nerdin Gardens: Hint O’ Fall Cool evenings whispering of summer tales gone by,Morning sun beams misting on high in yonder's sky.Garden flowers strewing seeds all upon the cooler ground,Springing up in hopes of resurrecting, coming back around.Through threaded tree boughs, restless birds are caw calling,Joyfully singing in awed celebration that Autumn is indeed falling! ~Wanda Kubat-Nerdin in Nerdin Gardens As the seasons turn in preparation of immanent change, so is the local real estate market. Are you ready to move on toward the next new direction of business? Ready or not, HERE WE GO!
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Word of Mouth Advertising is BEST! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟  As my buyer client and I stepped into the vacant house that was first on the list to preview, we were met in the hallway by a handyman finishing up a few repairs. He apologized for being in the way and engaged us both in a conversation. He admitted it was a property he purchased in the last market downturn at a very reasonable price. The owner further explained that he bought quite a few like the attached townhome and was getting them all ready to sell quickly.  We wandered from room to room and my client wasn't really interested in this property, so we bid him farewell. The last thing he said to us, was that he had the best agent in the entire state of Utah. That comment gave me pause. You can't buy that kind of loyalty anywhere or anyhow and ...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Nerdin Gardens: From My Head Tomatoes! From early spring to mid fall, we are constantly providing care for all plant material in Nerdin Gardens, especially ensuring that all processes are in place for optimum production. Much work goes into all aspects of back yard gardening. Prior knowledge kicks in when problems present but asking or seeking help is a natural reflex as well. Along with the fall season, a sense of relief, mixed with loss occurs as we both, once again, ready the garden for next spring's plantings. A matter of pulling plant material from all raised garden beds, turning off the automatic drip systems, covering each one with shade cloth to prevent weeds from taking over. Moving all decorations inside, preventing further wear. The growing season is almost over and I feel yo...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Pepe the Pied Pepper Once upon a growing season, in a dirt plot far removed from any bustling city, there came to be a tiny, red pepper named Pepe. Unlike other mild, sweet mannered natives, his constant, upbeat dillivery far exceeded any spicy, confines. 🎶 From an early age, he found himself drawn to harmonious, singsong melodies emanating from the abundant flowers, tweeting birds and buzzing insects. He intended to bring the heat of the symphony to an all-natural realization. 🎵 Through the power of music, Pepe envisioned himself as an esteemed leader. Soon, word of Pepe’s well-rounded group became well-known to the ears of music lovers far and wide, especially those who enjoyed the eclectic, big band sound.  From groovy, staccato drum beets, prolific tootin' trumpet vines, jalapeño po...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Lost Skills That May Never Be Revived When young, many life lessons were taught immediately, like, using manners when in the presence of adults and having common respect for other people. Cursive writing was also introduced in elementary school as a disciplinary tool. Technology continues to march on with cutting edge, exciting breakthroughs every day. Humans might even be able to live on Mars one day, if Elon Musk has his way. Being old school, in some ways, no longer holds appeal for most people.  Some things that may forever be lost to modern technology: Using an Abacus Building a Fire Respectful Debate Coping skills Effective Communication Reading Paper Maps  Cursive Writing Letter Writing Writing Checks Balancing a Checkbook Telephone Etiquette  Proper Grammar  Sewing Own Clothes S...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Nerdin Gardens: Reaching Out to Others in Small Ways Michael loves roses of all colors, sizes and varieties. When he sees one or two that fully grab his attention, he brings them inside, presents them and I put them in a beautiful vase worthy of their beauty. Flowers for no reason from My Honey always brings a sincere smile, confirming true affection through thoughtfulness. A spontaneous gesture like this expresses his intentional desire to make me happy. This little act of love expresses genuine gratitude and always surprises me. In turn, acknowledging his gesture is important because it strengthens our connection in a very positive, meaningful manner. What’s keeping you from making someone’s day by reaching out to their heart, even in a small way? ~ Wanda Kubat-Nerdin in Nerdin Gardens
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
9/11 - Do.Not.Ever.Forget!  September 11, 2001, was the last day almost 3,000 people would wake, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, kiss their loved ones, go to work, come home again. They were blindsided by evil, cowardly acts of terrorism by those who do not value human life. We must always remember this event and honor those lost lives. I recall that morning well when readying for work while listening to the local radio station. In disbelief, the host shakily stated that one of the Twin Towers was hit by a plane, I turned on the TV and sure enough there was footage of impact! From that day, I do not not listen to the radio at home and feel less safe than prior to this event. Words still cannot describe the overwhelming sadness still felt today because of this horrific act against th...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Nerdin Gardens: The Power of a Flower  A single rose opens the heart,Bringing near, those far apart. Lifting the spirits in love-speak, Each bloom is elegantly unique. Affection leads with each passing dayBringing contentment and bliss this way. ~ Wanda Kubat-Nerdin in Nerdin Gardens - c While we may be unable to change the state of the world, we can ensure our own surroundings are a brighter, happier place to live.  Happy Sunday all, wishing you peace!
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Life's Cyclic NatureAfter attending the Utah Association of Realtors Convention this week in St. George, Utah, a motivational speaker left me thinking about relevant use of time. The average life span today for women is 80+ years, for men, late 70's. Real estate and life are cyclical, much like the yearly seasons of fall, winter, spring and summer. He mentioned that how you spend your days today will depend on how many summers you will remain living here on this Earth. Once born, the early years pass quickly, the first 5 years are spent focusing on expanding the knowledge base, talking, walking, potty training. Then school age years are meant for gradual learning, growing in the classroom. Graduating from high school, attending college or going out into the workplace are the next steps....
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Making Safety a Top-of-Mind Priority The month of September is REALTOR SAFETY MONTH, though personal safety while working should be practiced year 'round. There's no better time to reassess your go-to protocols and make safety a top-of-mind priority than right now.   There are some real threats while working, like: 45,000 REALTORS® were crime victims  300,000 REALTORS® felt afraid for their safety  400,000 REALTORS® have no safety protocols in place  The lure of easy money becomes greatly intensified when criminals encounter a successful professional, one who most likely has plenty of money in the bank. An instructor told the classroom this chilling story about a very harrowing experience. After showing homes to a client couple, the agent gets a call after parting ways. They wanted to m...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Nerdin Gardens: Well, that's Just Peachy! An old woman goes before the judge. He asks, "Why are you here today?"She said, "I stole some peaches from the neighbor’s orchard.”  The judge asked, "How many peaches did you take?” She said, “Ten.”  The Judge said, "Ok, you spend ten days in jail then." The lady’s husband quickly stood up and asked the judge if he could speak to him on her behalf.  "Yes," said the judge. The husband said, "She also stole several bunches of grapes!" And that's when the fight started...🤣 Happy Labor Day all!
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Labor Day pains? Get-a-Way to Southern Utah! Have the long weekend off but not sure what to do or where to go? Come to southern Utah, you'll find a variety of activities that are sure to please! Friendly people, warm weather, clean air, less crowded roads and great, outdoor recreational opportunities await!  Boasting championship golf courses, hiking and biking trails throughout Washington County, internationally renowned Tuacahn Ampitheatre offering entertainment for people of all ages. Not to mention shopping at The Red Cliffs Mall and Zion Factory Stores!  There's something for everyone! Go Boating Camp out Try Fishing Take a hike Golf a round or two Relax at the pool Get a spa treatment Shop! shop! Shop! Eat in fine restaurants See a world-class show!   Four Utah State Parks, all wi...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Nerdin Gardens: Caprese Salad Croissants For those quick, last minute or on the go dinners during the busy, summer months, Michael and I enjoy taking some fresh, simple ingredients from the backyard garden and adding them to a recipe, creating a refreshing, tasty meal. This recipe has 5 ingredients: Mini Butter Croissants Sliced Mozzarella Cheese Fresh Tomatoes Basil Leaves Basalmic Glaze  The local grocery's bakery department is happy to bake the mini croissants upon request (you can also use the traditional size as well). In 10 minutes time, you will have a small but very flavorful treat as you enjoy each individual sandwich. Cut the croissants lengthwise and place inside up in toaster oven until slightly golden brown. Take out, then place on dinner plate. Layer, mozzarella comes firs...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Does That Mean You Should? My Answer is NO! An out-of-area real estate agent called, saying she was coming down from Salt Lake City. The woman asked if I was available to open doors to several homes for her clients, since her electronic key didn't work here in southern Utah.  In other words, she did not have a local Board membership. I told her I was not available. When the COE discusses the 'spirit of cooperation', this is clearly not what it means, nor the intended environment. She went on to say, "I wish there was just one Multiple Listing Service across the state.  Though I am licensed to sell in the entire state, it doesn't necessarily mean it's a good idea. Definitely not my choice of practice for client's sake! Instead, I'd refer them to an experienced agent, because: All real es...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Rich Men North of Richmond Oliver Anthony recently rose to the top of the music charts with his blockbuster song called, Rich Men North of Richmond. Wanted to understand the song further and came across Lori Mode's blog, thanks to Will Hamm. She explains that Loudoun County, Virginia, is the most expensive county in America. It's also north of Richmond. The song makes so much more sense now! Ding! Ding! Ding! "Rich Men North Of Richmond"I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all dayOvertime hours for bullshit paySo I can sit out here and waste my life awayDrag back home and drown my troubles awayIt's a damn shame what the world's gotten toFor people like me and people like youWish I could just wake up and it not be trueBut it is, oh, it isLivin' in the new worldWith an old soulThese rich me...
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