wcbm 680 am sunday noon: But Who Listens To The Show? - 08/19/23 12:39 PM
Who is this radio show for?  It's hard to tell who listens while sitting in the studio alone. 
It's for the general public's education.  It is for those who are thinking about buying or selling. 
It is for those who have had a RE transaction and want to share their experience.
It's for my past, present, and future buyers and sellers.
It is for Realtors® (new and seasoned), brokers, RE professionals such as inspectors, contractors, title people, and lenders who share and learn from each other.
It's for those who love Real Estate.
Recently, someone told me her husband listens weekly, and she knows better … (9 comments)

wcbm 680 am sunday noon: Three Things Makes It Work - 01/31/20 04:49 PM
At the beginning of January, I posted
If It Works Do More Of It.  
And the things that work, for me, in real estate are done with consistency.
There are three significant areas.
1 Advertising
2 Blogging
3 My radio show
On the last day of the month, I am continuing to do more of the same. This was today's advertisement making the radio show more prominent. 
And this posting is how to combine all three. 

wcbm 680 am sunday noon: Thankful For Sundays - 11/24/19 08:26 AM

Thankful for the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
So much to be grateful for, especially in Real Estate. So thankful for buyers and sellers, those who ask me questions, those who have let me talk them out of selling their home, those who have said, "heard you on the radio," or ''my spouse listens every week.''  I'm thankful for all those who call in during the show and those that text me during the show for support or to let me know when I make a mistake. Thankful for those who call in during the week. I'm grateful to those who have bought or … (23 comments)

wcbm 680 am sunday noon: We Ran Out Of Time - 05/02/19 07:21 PM
This past Sunday I had the pleasure of having a guest on my live radio show.
We had a great time talking about negotiations. 
 Toward the end of the show, Jasen  Edwards was describing one of his transactions ... when a seller removed an old rusty garage opener and left a brand new one, still in a box, in the garage. 
We ran out of time on the show and I didn't get to hear the outcome.
But I did get this lovely handwritten note and quote in the mail.
Thanks, Jason Edwards You were wonderful.

wcbm 680 am sunday noon: Tell Me About The Radio Show - 07/28/18 08:51 PM
Friends family and clients often ask...
So how's the radio show going?
It is has been  five years since I became the host of All About Real Estate.  Each week there has been a different show.
Some shows have guests, some shows have themes, some shows have callers with special topics.
Never sure what the show will be like but I do love the spontaneity.
There have been owners talking about the unique features of their home.  There have been sellers who have shared the selling process. There have been buyers who have had a pleasant transaction with me. There have been buyers who have called to let me know … (11 comments)

wcbm 680 am sunday noon: What Questions Would You Ask ? - 12/23/17 09:30 AM
Referring to my buyers as future listings, I am bringing a buyer on tomorrow as guest on my live radio show.
Maxine purchased the perfect home from me this month and I am looking forward to talking with her on
The enjoyment of  working with this buyer was her involvement and knowledge of the buying the process. It was definitely not her first transaction. 
What questions would you ask of a former buyer?
Have you ever interviewed a former client?
You can ask your questions in the comments below, text me or  call  the show tomorrow.
Tune in live tomorrow www.wcbm.com at noon 

wcbm 680 am sunday noon: Pet Friendly All About Real Estate -Listen On Sunday Radio - 11/02/17 07:17 PM
Just a  week ago I wrote about the President's reception and the wonderful work of the Maryland SPCA
  Finding a home for rescue animals. 
Karen and Romeo...SPCA rescue. 
Since being inspired by the organization and how vital they are to our community, I have invited Katie Flory, Community Affairs Director, to be a  guest on this Sunday's live radio show.
As a real estate broker, I get questions about pet policy and whether a condo, HOA or neighborhood is pet friendly.
It is not always an easy answer. 
The neighborhood may seem okay for pets and then you find out there is a fencing restriction.
You may see … (7 comments)

wcbm 680 am sunday noon: SNAFU or Hot Dog! Everything Is Normal - 09/10/17 02:21 PM
When I took the Wickman course many years ago and something went wrong, I remember Floyd's words.
 “Hot Dog!  Everything’s normal!”
 .. everything from a canceled deal to difficult client... 
Why?  Because it helps  focus on the big picture...it is the key to staying on track.
Most days have at least one challenge.  How you handle it will decide your success or failure in that moment – and in your career.
Today was one of those days.
Without going into details, I had callers on the line for my live radio show but due to a technical glitch, I could not get to them.
I also had two Realtors® visiting in the … (10 comments)

wcbm 680 am sunday noon: Live Radio Show Ideas - 06/19/17 12:38 PM

Margaret Rome Baltimore 410-530-2400, Sell Your Home With Margaret Rome ( HomeRome Realty 410-530-2400)

Margaret Rome Baltimore 410-530-2400

Sell Your Home With Margaret Rome

Pikesville, MD

More about me…

HomeRome Realty 410-530-2400

Address: Baltimore, Md, 21209

Mobile: (410) 530-2400




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