zoom call: Zoom Call 9.12.23 Katerina Gasset Outsourcing to Elevate your Business - 09/13/23 01:16 PM
Zoom Call 9.12.23  Katerina Gasset Outsourcing to Elevate your Business
The Zoom call this week was presented by Katerina Gasset, and she, again offered her pearls on making real estate easier to manage.
Real estate agents that find themselves busy will often have issues with not being able to complete all of their work on time and losing sleep and rest time because of the load they carry. 
The realities of the load may cause one to consider hiring an administrative assistant to do the busy work and allow the agent to actually work the business. This again causes one to consider the dynamics … (17 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 9.05.23 Gail Hartnett Transitioning a Real Estate Business and life - 09/07/23 09:52 AM
Zoom Call 9.05.23 Gail Hartnett Transitioning a Real Estate Business and life!
The Zoom call for this week was presented by Gail Hartnett as she offered her insights on relocating to an unknown area to forge a new career and learn the area at the same time.
Gail is originally from Long Island, but her life travels have led her around the country. 
She started working in Ft Lauderdale as her husband was going to law school in Miami. She supplemented income working as a Tupperware salesperson. She grew that business to being a franchisee which gave her management as well as sales experience.
Her … (15 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 8.29.23 Laura Cerrano Geopathic Stress Dowsing - 08/30/23 07:45 AM
Zoom Call 8.29.23 Laura Cerrano  Geopathic Stress Dowsing
The Zoom call for this week was presented Laura Cerrano as a follow-up to her first presentation when the zoom calls were first starting.
Feng Shui Geopathic Stress Dowsing.
Dowsing, itself is a term that connotes different images for some people. It is commonly used when people are seeking water sources.
Geopathic Stress is a term used to describe negative energies that emanate from the earth and cause discomfort and ill health to those living above. 
As Feng Shui is all about understanding and observing nature and how that environment affects our emotions and psychology, the foundations of … (22 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 8.08.23 Jan Green How to Keep the Sunshine in Your Transactions - 08/10/23 06:14 AM
Jan Green How to Keep the Sunshine in Your Transactions
The Zoom call for the week was presented by Jan Green. Jan has devoted her professional career to helping her clients become familiar with energy efficiency.
She herself, is hoping to have a '0' energy footprint by the time she is ready to retire. To hear her speak, it will be far sooner than her retirement.
She has a significant knowledge of efficiencies not only for living spaces, but also for tax credits to individuals when donating a home that will be razed and the structure and components will be recycled.
She started with a … (23 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 8.01.23 Real Estate Activities Around the Country - 08/03/23 05:44 PM
Real Estate Activities Around the Country
The Zoom call was an open Forum call with attendees offering insights on the state of real estate in their respective communities.
The moderator of the call was Eileen Burns, and she opened with detail on the 3 counties within her market.  As there are over 6,000,00 people it is just beyond reasonable to expect to cover it.
There are 5 MLS systems that work listings, and the primary board is better than an hour away. As she is a commercial broker she can cover the entire state, but the logistics are not reasonable.
She gets her statistics from … (12 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 6.27.23 Jim Paulson Maximizing Credit Card Bonuses - 06/29/23 05:11 AM
Jim Paulson Maximizing Credit Card Bonuses
The Zoom call this week was presented by Jim Paulson, and it was about his experiences with using credit cards for more than just an easy way to make a purchase.
Credit card companies are very competitive and when one considers the monthly interest rate on unpaid balances, it is understandable. A credit card purchase is a short-term loan, and the banks that issue the cards, make next to nothing in profit with people that pay their monthly balances in full.
As many more responsible people will do, he had no credit cards and chose to pay his … (14 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 6.22.23 Katerina Gasset AI Marketing for Real Estate - 06/22/23 08:03 AM
Katerina Gasset AI Marketing for Real Estate
This week's Zoom call was presented by Katerina Gasset and was timely as it was on AI and marketing for Real Estate.
With the rapid evolution of AI, it was timely as she offered so much information in such a quick span of time and the attentiveness of the listeners was obvious.
She opened her presentation by talking about here recent completion of an AI course offered by Digital Marketer.   She has been connected to the founder of this platform since early in 2007 as she learned about SEO under his tutelage.  This company offers courses and certificates … (29 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 6.06.23 Craig Daniels  Tech Smorgasbord - 06/09/23 05:29 AM
Zoom Call 6.06.23 Craig Daniels  Tech Smorgasbord
The Zoom call this week was a learning lesson with Craig Daniels on using Excel spreadsheets. He initiated the tutorial by preparing a list of attendees with names only and offered a link to straw poll where one could get details on using spreadsheets.
This was essentially a poll to determine people's familiarity with using spread sheets.
Spread sheets are a useful tool for assembling data. People are familiar with the terminology of spread sheets and also Google sheets. Google sheets are kept online and spread sheets can be kept in document files to be added to … (17 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call with Carol Williams Knowing When It's Time to Retire - 05/31/23 06:20 PM
Zoom Call with Carol Williams  Knowing When It's Time to Retire
The Zoom call this week was presented by Carol Williams and was a combination of preparing for retirement. and adapting to the situations that life presents as well.
As Carol described her transition it was thrust upon her to attend to her ailing husband.  With the pause, she essentially was away from the day-to-day operation of her businesses for over 18 months and during that period, she eased herself away from the day to day and as she had 2 separate business entities, she had a ready brand looking to acquire her … (26 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 5.16.23 John Arendsen Accessory Dwelling Units - 05/18/23 07:44 AM
John Arendsen  Accessory Dwelling Units
John Arendsen was the speaker for this week's Zoom call. As founder and owner of Crest Backyard Homes, he gave a presentation that explained the nature of the modules he builds as well as its advantages.
For Multi-generational families, an Accessory Dwelling Unit, ADU offers convenience and serves to keep the family close and still offer independence.
His company is very much a regional operation staying close to His San Diego area. This is predominately as the efficiency of his operation is maintained by contractors that he knows to perform their jobs well and be cost effective. If he … (23 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 4.04.23 Lauren Williams Working With Hoarders - 04/06/23 08:23 AM
Lauren Williams Working With Hoarders
The call was labeled as working with hoarders and as Lauren Williams started her presentation it was apparent that yes, it was about people that collect, but it really morphed into something far greater. The act and compulsion to hoard is a disease and is identified as such.  Knowing how to identify people that have a genuine illness and the right way to assist them is essential and the fix is not just to clean out the place.
Lauren Williams offered that she has taken better than 60 hours of professional training in order to recognize and treat … (21 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 3.21.23 Debe Maxwell Open Forum on AI - 03/23/23 09:34 AM
Zoom Call 3.21.23  Debe Maxwell Open Forum on AI
The Zoom call this week was an open forum on AI, Artificial Intelligence, for members to input on their experiences on AI. 
Debe Maxwell started the conversation with a discussion on Heatmaps, and how it related to posting blogs in the past and specifically where we wanted our posts to be seen, (Above or below the fold).
In addition, there are discussions as to the best time to post on a particular social site. 
AI is a reality as evidenced by the ads we get sent to us after doing searches online.
No agent that calls themselves … (11 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 1.03.23 George Souto State of Mortgages in 2023 - 01/04/23 08:58 AM
George Souto State of Mortgages in 2023
As we start the new year, it would be appropriate to get a 'State of the Industry' Zoom call from a qualified Loan Officer. That was the theme of the first call of the year.
George Souto is a loan originator for Allied Mortgage, working out of Middletown CT.
As a well-respected, senior officer with many 18 years of experience, he offers the state of the industry and his insights as to what we may expect with mortgages in 2023.
Our business of real estate is aligned with the lending industry with exception of cash purchases, and even … (24 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 12.27.22 Mayra Espinosa Creating Digital Business Cards - 12/29/22 09:14 AM
Mayra Espinosa Creating Digital Business Cards
The Zoom call this week was presented by Mayra Espinosa and she spoke on how to create "Digital Business Cards".  It was more appropriately how to use Canva to create the cards. 
Canva is a free site and once one has gotten familiar with its capabilities, it can allow for more graphic images to our blog posts.
The advantage of having a digital card are numerous. With modern technology, having that card on our phones will allow us to give someone our full electronic details and all aspects of our business would be presented as links on our digital … (24 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 11.22.22 Kat Palmiotti Lifestyle Facebook Pages - 11/23/22 05:05 AM
Kat Palmiotti  Lifestyle Facebook Pages
The Zoom call presentation of 11/22/22 was done by Kat Palmiotti and its focus was creating a Facebook Lifestyle Page.
Like many others that have presented calls on Facebook premonitions, Kat also offered her reasoning for trying to be just more noticeable in her market. Much of this was generated due to her arrival in the state from her former home in New York.
Facebook, among others offers opportunities to market ourselves and our businesses as well as maintaining a social platform for keeping up to date with family and friends. Keeping the lines separated makes it easier. Kat … (25 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 11.29.22 Craig Daniels: Improving Your Digital Footprint - 11/23/22 05:04 AM

Craig Daniels:  Improving Your Digital Footprint
The Zoom call of 11.29 was another fine presentation by AR member Craig Daniels. It wasn't his first call and hopefully it won't be his last. 
By way of offering imagery that was very basic, he showed dinosaur tracks that would be best appreciated by any paleontologist. He then showed tracks that were under water for years and were far larger and better defined. His efforts were to show, that while both sets of tracks can be appealing, the larger, better-defined set of tracks needed less effort to be appreciated. This was the starting point of his … (20 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 11.01.22 Greg Brown Facebook Local Pages for Business - 11/02/22 02:12 PM
Greg Brown Facebook Local Pages for Business
Facebook has become a way of life for people as well as business. It is not uncommon for business to openly ask people to Like their Facebook pages just so as to garner additional SEO on the Internet.
There are also the personal Facebook pages as well as our own business pages.
Then there are the local community pages which are intended to be informative for the community and keep company and personal promotions to a minimum. That was the topic for the Zoom call this week.
Greg Brown is a real estate agent in the Greater Toronto … (15 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 10.25.22 Nick Vandekar Using Social Media to Develop New Business - 10/27/22 10:16 AM
Using Social Media to Develop New Business
The Zoom call of October 25 was presented by Nick Vandekar, who offered his insights and successes in using social media to develop new business and in particular in new areas.
Being a transplanted Britisher, and new to real estate when he did relocate, it was important for him to develop his social media skills in order to generate the business he wanted. It is also high on his priorities as he is getting married and had bought a house that is outside his current market area.
As he offered, many are familiar with social media and … (20 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 10.11.22 Peter Mohylsky Welcome to Florida's Emerald Coast - 10/11/22 10:43 AM
Peter Mohylsky  Welcome to Florida's Emerald Coast
This week's presenter for the Zoom call was Peter Mohylsky, on the area he has called home for many years, the stretch of Florida along the panhandle from Pensacola to Panama City called the Emerald Coast and in the early February time frame it is swamped with spring breakers from the surrounding states. 
Even though there are airports nearby, the majority of visitors to the area come by vehicle allowing for an average of an 8-hour drive. This is due to the many toys they bring to play in the surf of the Gulf.
His primary marketing … (19 comments)

zoom call: Zoom Call 9.20.22 Protecting Your Property Rights - 09/21/22 11:27 AM
 Protecting Your Property Rights
The Zoom call this week was presented by Buzz Mackintosh, and he spoke on protecting your property rights. In most urban areas, property rights are pretty well established, and could be more difficult to encroach or change.
Regretfully, the examples that Buzz offered were those encountered by his family or people that he knew in the area of Maryland he and his family call home.  He was able to get a satisfactory resolution to the issues, but it was his attentiveness and perseverance that saved him and his friends.
Definition of property rights:
What are the rights of a property owner?When … (30 comments)

Ed (Edward) Silva, 203-206-0754, Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally (Mapleridge Realty,  CT 203-206-0754  )

Ed (Edward) Silva, 203-206-0754

Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally

Waterbury, CT

More about me…

Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754

Address: Prospect, Cheshire, Wolcott, Waterbury, Naugatuck, Middlebury, Watertown, Southington,Thomaston, Plantsville, CT, 06479

Office: 203-758-6440

Mobile: 203-206-0754

Ed Silva is a licensed Broker serving the Central Connecticut area from the Waterbury CT Real Estate Office. He serves both sellers and buyers and also is an experienced agent for short sales. If you're thinking of listing your home, I would love to meet with you and share my marketing success package with you. My marketing reaches all the major listing sites with prime positions on the largest. I'd would appreciate the opportunity love to help you buy or sell in the Central Connecticut area.




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