zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 9.19.23 Dorie Dillard Dominating Your Neighborhood - 09/21/23 07:52 AM
Zoom Call  9.19.23 Dorie Dillard Dominating Your Neighborhood
The Zoom Call this week was presented by Dorie Dillard and was a how to on dominate your neighborhood or market area.
Her frequent posts are focused on the Canyon Creek subdivision of Austin TX. This is a pattern that was developed over a period of years and hard work to become recognized.
She started by offering up the uniqueness of our business, as we get to choose our partners, or collaborators. 
She acknowledged other ActiveRain members that dominate their market, and the manner in which they do same. Ours is a business that constantly changes and … (20 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 9.12.23 Katerina Gasset Outsourcing to Elevate your Business - 09/13/23 01:16 PM
Zoom Call 9.12.23  Katerina Gasset Outsourcing to Elevate your Business
The Zoom call this week was presented by Katerina Gasset, and she, again offered her pearls on making real estate easier to manage.
Real estate agents that find themselves busy will often have issues with not being able to complete all of their work on time and losing sleep and rest time because of the load they carry. 
The realities of the load may cause one to consider hiring an administrative assistant to do the busy work and allow the agent to actually work the business. This again causes one to consider the dynamics … (17 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call of 8.22.23 Steven Nickens Life on Maui Post Fires - 08/24/23 08:03 AM
Zoom Call  Steven Nickens Life on Maui Post Fires
The Zoom call this week was presented by Steven Nickens, a Maui resident and fellow ActiveRainer,
He gave a pure statement of the reactions and life on the island of Maui following the devastation caused by the fires that have torn through parts of the island and have left people scrambling for assistance.
He spoke briefly of the opportunists, such as the politicians that are there for a quick head shot but so far have done nothing to offer aid for the citizens and inhabitants that have been impacted.
First responders did what was expected of … (31 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 7.11.23 Margaret Rome Getting Unique Homes Sold On The Radio - 07/13/23 08:13 AM
Zoom Call 7.11.23 Margaret Rome Getting Unique Homes Sold On The Radio
The Zoom call this week was special as it was done by Margaret Rome, and the presentation was done exactly as she does her Radio program, unscripted. 
As she started her presentation, I was immediately reminded of the sitcom. Frasier, on which a psychiatrist waited for the first call to set the tone of the program. Unlike that sitcom, Margaret has no assistant and if she doesn't speak, there is dead-air, and she must fill the void until her next commercial break. She gets 3 pauses over the hour.
She also stressed … (27 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 6.27.23 Jim Paulson Maximizing Credit Card Bonuses - 06/29/23 05:11 AM
Jim Paulson Maximizing Credit Card Bonuses
The Zoom call this week was presented by Jim Paulson, and it was about his experiences with using credit cards for more than just an easy way to make a purchase.
Credit card companies are very competitive and when one considers the monthly interest rate on unpaid balances, it is understandable. A credit card purchase is a short-term loan, and the banks that issue the cards, make next to nothing in profit with people that pay their monthly balances in full.
As many more responsible people will do, he had no credit cards and chose to pay his … (14 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 6.22.23 Katerina Gasset AI Marketing for Real Estate - 06/22/23 08:03 AM
Katerina Gasset AI Marketing for Real Estate
This week's Zoom call was presented by Katerina Gasset and was timely as it was on AI and marketing for Real Estate.
With the rapid evolution of AI, it was timely as she offered so much information in such a quick span of time and the attentiveness of the listeners was obvious.
She opened her presentation by talking about here recent completion of an AI course offered by Digital Marketer.   She has been connected to the founder of this platform since early in 2007 as she learned about SEO under his tutelage.  This company offers courses and certificates … (29 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 4.18.23 Tammy Lankford Community Facebook Pages - 04/18/23 10:52 AM
Tammy Lankford Community Facebook Pages
The Zoom call this week was presented by Tammy Lankford,  long time ActiveRain member and also broker/owner of Lane Realty servicing the Lake Sinclair area of Georgia.
Tammy Lankford started her Community page for Lake Sinclair app 10 years ago and as moderator, tries to keep it informational to events of the area as well as free of people looking to self-promote businesses.   It is called Lake Sinclair area Community Page. While the Lake Sinclair area is primary, the community page also allows for residents of the 3 counties that bound the lake to join the group. She … (14 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 3.28.23 Bob Timm, Stories of a Mobile Notary - 03/30/23 07:29 AM
Bob Timm, Stories of a Mobile Notary
The call this week was on a topic that is essential to all real estate transactions but often not given its importance, the certification of documents by a notary public. In CT, all closings are done by lawyers, who are all certified as notaries as well. In states where title companies handle closings, Notaries are far more common.
ActiveRain member, Bob Timm, a retired real estate broker now working as a Notary offered information on the services he provides in the Minot, ND area as we as some of experiences as a mobile Notary.
The process he … (22 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 3.07.23 Brad Andersohn From Prospects To Closings - 03/10/23 07:26 AM
 Brad Andersohn:  From Prospects to Closings
The Zoom call this week was a second opportunity with Brad Andersohn to offer up his gems and make those that attended a bit sharper. 
In his words, talking on the Zoom call was a bit like his presentations at RainCamps. From this person's perspective, it was identical as he gave so much, so fast and with much enthusiasm.
As was offered, the date was the 3rd anniversary of the first Zoom Call.
The call started as a continuation of the previous session, with Brad completing the work sheet he started from his Agent Goal Planner and the session … (25 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 1.24.23 Thomas J Nelson Recharge to Take Charge - 01/25/23 09:35 AM
Thomas J Nelson Recharge to Take Charge
The Zoom call presented by Thomas J Nelson this week was a tutorial on how to sustain a healthy real estate business and also lifestyle. As a successful real estate agent/broker and investor since 1989 he has come to appreciate the need to relax and step back for vacation in order to clear the mind and also to recharge the body to maintain a healthy family relationship and to also better serve his clients. 
As a 3rd  generation realtor he knows the business well and also recognizes the need to step way at times to not … (36 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 1.03.23 George Souto State of Mortgages in 2023 - 01/04/23 08:58 AM
George Souto State of Mortgages in 2023
As we start the new year, it would be appropriate to get a 'State of the Industry' Zoom call from a qualified Loan Officer. That was the theme of the first call of the year.
George Souto is a loan originator for Allied Mortgage, working out of Middletown CT.
As a well-respected, senior officer with many 18 years of experience, he offers the state of the industry and his insights as to what we may expect with mortgages in 2023.
Our business of real estate is aligned with the lending industry with exception of cash purchases, and even … (24 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 12.20.22 Ben Kinney : Tips on Selling Homes in This Market - 12/21/22 05:13 AM
Ben Kinney : Tips on Selling Homes in This Market
The Zoom call this week was presented by ActiveRain's own Ben Kinney. In addition to being owner of this platform, his roots are as a real estate agent and over the years his efforts have been more than successful. 
As all can see, there has been a shift in the market, and this will require a shift in business approach going into the new year.
Ben made his presentation with data obtained from his network and specifically data from Goldman-Sachs.
Everyone is aware of the inflation data that is being offered on a daily basis. … (33 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 12.06.22 Brian Traichel Mastering LinkedIn for Real Estate - 12/08/22 02:02 PM
Brian Traichel Mastering LinkedIn for Real Estate
This week's Zoom call was presented by Brian Traichel, and was packed and enlightening for the way LinkedIn's potential can be used to help grow our real estate business.  Over the expanse of his presentation he opened up the pages of his LinkedIn site and explained in detail how certain elements of the site should be modified and blocked to allow each to get maximum exposure and minimize the possibility of being hacked.  
Brian has focused his attentions on LinkedIn since 2008, but joined in 2006. He started out by farming LinkedIn as a source for … (20 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 10.25.22 Nick Vandekar Using Social Media to Develop New Business - 10/27/22 10:16 AM
Using Social Media to Develop New Business
The Zoom call of October 25 was presented by Nick Vandekar, who offered his insights and successes in using social media to develop new business and in particular in new areas.
Being a transplanted Britisher, and new to real estate when he did relocate, it was important for him to develop his social media skills in order to generate the business he wanted. It is also high on his priorities as he is getting married and had bought a house that is outside his current market area.
As he offered, many are familiar with social media and … (20 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 10.18.22 Paddy Deighan Something Old is Something New - 10/20/22 08:15 AM
Something Old is Something New Again
The Zoom call this week was presented by Paddy Deighan, a real estate lawyer working in Las Vegas.  
He has started a new program that he calls 'Something Old is Something New Again, and believes that we as real estate professionals have gotten away from practices that were once golden for generating business, which is working to our sphere.
With people chasing the algorithms that offer to get us to the top of search engines, and from some it may be effective, particularly those that may not have as much experience as others or have had as many … (17 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 10.11.22 Peter Mohylsky Welcome to Florida's Emerald Coast - 10/11/22 10:43 AM
Peter Mohylsky  Welcome to Florida's Emerald Coast
This week's presenter for the Zoom call was Peter Mohylsky, on the area he has called home for many years, the stretch of Florida along the panhandle from Pensacola to Panama City called the Emerald Coast and in the early February time frame it is swamped with spring breakers from the surrounding states. 
Even though there are airports nearby, the majority of visitors to the area come by vehicle allowing for an average of an 8-hour drive. This is due to the many toys they bring to play in the surf of the Gulf.
His primary marketing … (19 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 9.06.22 Paul Henderson Agent Safety - 09/07/22 07:34 AM
 Paul Henderson  Agent Safety
The Zoom call this week was on Agent safety and only fitting as September is Agent Safety month. 
Paul Henderson, has made the presentation before so it was a simple call for him.
Our business has been very visible the past few years but also opportunists hve gotten bolder.
He opened the call with a story of an agent that was placing signs out for an Open House event. She started to walk across a very busy roadway and let her car running so she could put up an open house sign. When she turned back someone had gotten into her … (28 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 8.02.22 NFT Tokens and Crypto - 08/02/22 09:54 AM
NFT Tokens and Crypto
I must first apologize as the zoom call this week was a topic to which I have no familiarity and even my notes where hard for me to appreciate and understand after the call.
From the Internet, I got this definition of NFT:
An NFT is a cryptographic token, but unlike cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and many network or utility tokens. NFTs are not mutually interchangeable, i.e. not fungible.
From the call I was able to glean that NFT's are a manner of investing similar to the way one might buy stock or commodities, except it is all done online, and it is truly a matter of … (27 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call of 5.24 Inspections with Manufactured Housing - 05/25/22 04:06 AM
Inspections with Manufactured Housing Presented by John Arendsen
The Zoom call this past week was on HUD manufactured homes, formerly referred to as mobile homes. Factory built homes, offer economies as they are smaller and as they are built in standard models offer economies as well.  With the modern conveniences installed they can be an ideal residence for downsizing people looking for less maintenance.
The presentation was based on a community that John had inspected as part of a class action lawsuit against a mobile home operator that resulted in at least 30 residences having to be declared uninhabitable and in at least … (20 comments)

zoom calls on activerain: Zoom Call 5.17.22 AR Updates with Ben Kinney - 05/18/22 09:23 AM
Zoom Call 5.17.22 AR Updates with Ben Kinney
The much-anticipated Zoom call started with the members of the development team offering their updates as to what has been going on behind the scenes with ActiveRain.
Casey Sanders started the call offering how the site is starting to look more uniform.  
The sign-up process has been cleaned up and now works more effectively.
They have worked on controlling spammers by placing limits on number per day.
Tagging is being worked on.
There will be a news section coming soon and was explained some by Josiah Ubben.
The new section on news will be limited at the beginning to just … (31 comments)

Ed (Edward) Silva, 203-206-0754, Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally (Mapleridge Realty,  CT 203-206-0754  )

Ed (Edward) Silva, 203-206-0754

Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally

Waterbury, CT

More about me…

Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754

Address: Prospect, Cheshire, Wolcott, Waterbury, Naugatuck, Middlebury, Watertown, Southington,Thomaston, Plantsville, CT, 06479

Office: 203-758-6440

Mobile: 203-206-0754

Ed Silva is a licensed Broker serving the Central Connecticut area from the Waterbury CT Real Estate Office. He serves both sellers and buyers and also is an experienced agent for short sales. If you're thinking of listing your home, I would love to meet with you and share my marketing success package with you. My marketing reaches all the major listing sites with prime positions on the largest. I'd would appreciate the opportunity love to help you buy or sell in the Central Connecticut area.




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