From TikTok to the Garden: The Lives of Those Proving 90 is the New 40

Services for Real Estate Pros with Get It Done For Me Virtual Services DRE# SL641317

I just read a story about a woman in Chicago who just turned 100 years old and didn’t retire from her job until she was 99 year old. She said the reason she never retired was because she loved what she was doing at her job, felt needed and appreciated.


In an era where age is increasingly seen as just a number, the traditional stereotypes associated with the elderly are being shattered. Today's octogenarians, nonagenarians, and centenarians are not just reminiscing about the past; they're actively shaping the present and future.


From the courtroom to the comedy stage, from TikTok to the golf course, and even in our very own neighborhoods, they are redefining what it means to age gracefully.


Personal Stories: 



Jo and Doreen, The Pillars of the Neighborhood

Jo, at 93, is a testament to the power of staying active and connected. Walking three times a day, tending to her garden, and engaging in heartfelt conversations, she's a beacon of vitality. Her stories of a childhood on an Idaho farm are not just tales of the past but lessons in hard work and resilience. Without relying on any medications, she stands as a role model, proving that age is merely a mindset.


Just a block over, Doreen, 91, is the embodiment of ceaseless energy. Often found beautifying her yard, she believes that staying active, especially outdoors, is the secret to her unwavering vitality. With the mountain sunshine as her constant companion, Doreen's zest for life is contagious.


Diverse Lifestyles and Mental Well-being


Centenarians from various walks of life emphasize the importance of a calm mind, staying curious, and having a general love for life. Jeanne Calment, who lived to 122, smoked for nearly 100 years but attributed her longevity to olive oil, port wine, and chocolate. Christian Mortensen, who lived to 115, advised drinking lots of water, avoiding alcohol, and staying positive. Sarah Knauss, living to 119, attributed her longevity to her tranquil nature.


Active Lifestyle


Staying active, both mentally and physically, is a recurring theme. Anthony Mancinelli, 101, believed that going to work kept him going. Dr. Laila Denmark, who lived to 114, emphasized doing what you love and mentioned she never felt she worked a day in her life.


Inspiring Individuals from Various Walks of Life


Harriet Newman Cohen, a 89-year-old lawyer, believes in staying updated and embracing technology. Uncle Jack, a 99-year-old TikTok sensation, emphasizes the importance of hobbies and staying connected with the world. D’yan Forest, an 88-year-old comedian, is a testament to the fact that it's never too late to follow your passion. Freck Vreeland, a 95-year-old former CIA agent, believes in simplifying life and focusing on quality.


The Neurologist, Dr.Howard Tucker, was named the 'world's oldest practicing doctor' by the Guinness World Records is no ordinary achievement. 


He worked until he with patients until he was 99 years old. Now as he has reached the age of 100, he no longer sees patients, however, he keeps busy in the medical field by teaching medical students and keeping up with new medical advances. While specific details on the 100-year-old neurologist's secrets to longevity were not provided, one thing is clear: a passion for one's profession can be a significant driving force behind a long, fulfilling life.

Age is becoming an increasingly irrelevant metric when determining one's zest for life, professional contributions, and societal involvement. Whether it's the inspiring stories from our neighborhoods, tales from around the world, or insights from professionals, it's evident that it's not about the number of years lived but the life lived in those years. With the right attitude, habits, and a genuine love for life, 90 might indeed be the new 40.


Thought provoking questions: 


Nature vs. Nurture: How much of longevity is attributed to genetics versus lifestyle choices and attitude? 


My great-grandparents all lived into their 100’s. And this was back during a time that living past your late 60’s was uncommon. My grandparents all lived to nearly 100 years old. 

Does this mean I am genetically inclined to become a centurion as is my goal? Who knows for sure. 


I won’t leave it up to genetics. My focus at my current age of 65, is to work on my health which includes continuing to lose weight, eat 7 servings of greens a day, sticking close to the Blue Zone ways of eating, exercising including weights and resistance training, taking at least 10,000 steps each day, resting and making it a goal to reduce stress in my life. 


I chose many years ago to be an entrepreneur and live life on my own terms. From living on the streets, to living in car, to owing my own home… all through the learning I received from the “School of Hard Knocks”. 


Since I live my life and choose a freedom lifestyle, there are days where I will work for 16 hours and other days I hang out with my grandchildren, read, think, and work on my current project of renovating a major fixer-upper I purchased as my last home.


Learning to get rid of bad stress but embrace the good stress (like exercise) was one of the recent goals I achieved.


Learning the lesson of : Stop trying to control the uncontrollables. Don't dwell on regrets of the past, don't fret so much of the future. Be still in the present, soak it all in.


And most of all be grateful and appreciate the life you have. Live in gratitude! That will do more for good health and longevity than anything else.

Comments (19)

Daniel Ramsey
MyOutDesk - Sacramento, CA
MyOutDesk - Real Estate Virtual Professionals

Great share Katerina Gasset! The story was incredibly insightful — makes me hope that I get to go that far in life and live to the fullest!

Sep 21, 2023 02:43 PM
Katerina Gasset

Thank you Daniel Ramsey. I have a lot of goals still and hope. I want to NOT have to work but WORK because I choose to , to add value to those around me, and help others as I have been so blessed. 

Sep 22, 2023 03:27 PM
Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089
Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers - Haiku, HI
Maui Real Estate sales and lifestyle info

I hope you can reach all your goals - you've come a long way already!

Sep 21, 2023 02:51 PM
Katerina Gasset

I hope I do too! Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089 How are you doing on your side of the island? Everything good with you? 

Sep 22, 2023 03:28 PM
George Souto
George Souto NMLS #65149 FHA, CHFA, VA Mortgages - Middletown, CT
Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert

Katerina Gasset the more years I mature in life, the more I am inclined to agree with 90 being the new 40.  ☺️

Sep 21, 2023 03:29 PM
Katerina Gasset

I know! George Souto I am 65 and certainly don;t act or feel like the people I knew in the 1970's who were in their 60's. They were frail and dying. I am strong and thriving. We have learned so much about eating right, exercising, and staying healthy in mind and body. 

Sep 22, 2023 03:29 PM
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Hi Katerina- my friend's mother is 104 years young. In her retirement community, she was the "star" of a fashion show a few years ago as well as president of the home owners association. 

Sep 21, 2023 06:46 PM
Katerina Gasset

I want to be her!!!! Many of my neighbors live on their own, taking care of themselves active and thriving in their 80's and 90's. Such amazing role models! I want to be them when I grow up! LOL! Kathy Streib 

Sep 22, 2023 03:30 PM
Charles Ross - eXp Realty LLC
eXp Realty LLC Salina Group - Salina, KS
Love To Help People

Excellent post.Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful day and a blessed week

Sep 22, 2023 03:38 AM
Katerina Gasset

Thank you Charles Ross - (785)-819-6944 I hope you have a wonderful weekend! 

Sep 22, 2023 03:30 PM
Kat Palmiotti
406-270-3667,, Broker/REALTOR® - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

Excellent post! I think that staying active and involved and curious really does help us enjoy life to any age. I love thinking that 90 is the new 40 - why not?

Sep 22, 2023 04:58 AM
Katerina Gasset

Kat Palmiotti I see so many people in their 80's and 90's doing remarkable things and paying it forward! I just was reading in INC. that the top FEMALE self made billionaires are all in their 80's except for 2. WOW! 

Sep 22, 2023 03:31 PM
Kat Palmiotti
406-270-3667,, Broker/REALTOR® - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

Carol Williams - another Saturday suggestion!

Sep 22, 2023 04:59 AM
Nina Hollander, Broker
Coldwell Banker Realty - Charlotte, NC
Your Greater Charlotte Realtor

Good morning, Katerina... as someone who is staring 75 in the face and who still works a 70 hour week, runs a household, etc. I can tell you that 80 is not the new 40. Maybe 60 was the new 40. Maybe 80 is the 60. That being said, all the suggestions on how to stay youthful are absolutely spot on. 

Sep 22, 2023 06:01 AM
Katerina Gasset

 Nina Hollander, Broker   I am 65 and life becomes very finite at our age! I know there is reality and I also know there is hope and actions to reach goals. I know what I don't want - and many of those are out of my control , but I also do all that is possible to stay active, brain action, learning... all the time... walking, weight training, eating healthy, losing weight, sleeping well, exercising, social interactions... etc. all to help me stay alert and live longer. But I still FEEL my limitations. I used to be able to push heavy furniture from one end of the room to another all by myself until about 3 years ago! 


Sep 22, 2023 03:35 PM
Nina Hollander, Broker

Katerina Gasset hi Katerina... exactly... as we age we do have limitations... we don't need to dwell on them but we do need to recognize them and act accordingly. That's why when someone says 80 is the new 40 I think they are not being very realistic!

Sep 23, 2023 06:30 AM
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Los Angeles Pasadena 818.516.4393

Hello Katerina - there you go again - I can't help but think of a longtime favorite quote.  Attributed to Mark Twain, your post may have me thinking of it the entire weekend:  Age is an issue of mind over matter.  If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.  😃

Sep 22, 2023 07:33 AM
Katerina Gasset

Michael Jacobs Great quote... the only caveat to that is biology... unfortunately! I think the generation coming up now, will see 120 as the normal age to make it too, with all the amazing advances in anti-aging. 

Sep 22, 2023 03:36 PM
Jeff Dowler, CRS
eXp Realty of California, Inc. - Carlsbad, CA
The Southern California Relocation Dude


Those are such inspiring stories of accomplishment. A lot of it seems to all about attitude.


Sep 22, 2023 02:28 PM
Katerina Gasset

Attitude is huge! Jeff Dowler, CRS Of course, we can be as positive as ever and still have to deal with natural biology. But I truly believe we can push that needle to the low 100's, now.... and soon.... to 120. 

Sep 22, 2023 03:37 PM
Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089
Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers - Haiku, HI
Maui Real Estate sales and lifestyle info

Yes everything good on my side of the island Katerina Gasset and I appreciate more every day.

Sep 22, 2023 06:12 PM
Katerina Gasset

Happy to hear that! 


Sep 26, 2023 09:17 AM
Laura Cerrano
Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island - Locust Valley, NY
Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
I have heard that scientists are betting that within the next century people will be able to live to 140..
Sep 22, 2023 09:51 PM
Katerina Gasset

yes, you are correct! So exciting! Laura Cerrano Just think of all we can accomplish in 140 years!!!! 

Sep 26, 2023 09:17 AM
Gary J. Muccio, Associate Broker
Keller Williams of Central PA - Camp Hill, PA
Exceptional Customer Service!

Thanks for the inspiring post, Katerina!

I recently listed the home of a 90 year old woman, who, on her own with a sight impairment, pack-up her entire home and moved to Oregon to be closer to her daughter.


She did the entire move and all coordination on her own with no help from family, and didn't miss a detail. I was so impressed and, needless to say, inspired!!


Continued success to you!

Sep 23, 2023 07:04 AM
Katerina Gasset

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear these stories!!! My neighbor is my inspiration! I want to be all about my wits at those ages too! Gary J. Muccio, Associate Broker 

Sep 26, 2023 09:14 AM
Edward Gilmartin
CRE - Boston, MA

Once the muscles go you go. Important to maintain muscle mass throughout life. Never too late to hit the gym .

Sep 23, 2023 07:09 AM
Katerina Gasset

This is true... keep walking too! I do my 10,000 steps a day, I run, I do resistance training, I hike, run up and down stairs, do the elliptical, etc. That being said- taking care of your brain is even more important. There are many things to do to prevent dementia and put off Alzheimers, keeping active in your brain is so important. I make sure I am always learning new things, thinking about solutions, driving without the GPS, working helps too, but also, food for the brain, like mushrooms, nuts, seeds, grains, fruits and greens. 

Sep 26, 2023 09:13 AM
Barbara Michaluk
Weichert Realtors | Phone Direct 240-506-2434 | 301-681-0550 office - Silver Spring, MD
Leisure World Specialist / Full Service REALTOR

Hi Katerina, I work in a 55+ senior community and am of the opinion that the choices we make with diet and physical activity help us to live longer.  I consider this a good lesson to live by myself with the hope I make it into my 90's and maybe 100's.

Sep 23, 2023 07:11 AM
Katerina Gasset

We are what we eat! What we think about, we bring about. Active lifestyle, purpose, eating right, thinking right, being social, all have a lot to do with living longer. Barbara Michaluk 

Sep 26, 2023 09:13 AM
Miriam Odegard
United Real Estate Indianapolis - Indianapolis, IN
Real Estate Broker Serving Greater Indianapolis

Beautiful story! Thank you for posting it. <3

Sep 23, 2023 08:50 AM
Katerina Gasset

Thank you so much Miriam Odegard. I appreciate your comment! 

Sep 26, 2023 09:11 AM
Dr. Paula McDonald
Beam & Branch Realty - Granbury, TX
Granbury, TX 936-203-0279

A truly, beautiful post! Love this so much! Thank you for sharing this with us.

Sep 23, 2023 10:01 AM
Katerina Gasset

Thank you so much for your kind words!! I appreciate you! Dr. Paula McDonald 

Sep 26, 2023 09:11 AM
Ed (Edward) Silva, 203-206-0754
Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 - Waterbury, CT
Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally

Just yesterday someone asked me if I was still working as we were celebrating my mother's 101st birthday.

Sep 25, 2023 07:55 AM
Katerina Gasset

Amazing!!!! My goal, she is my role model then! 

Sep 26, 2023 09:10 AM
Margaret Goss
@Properties - Winnetka, IL
Chicago's North Shore & Winnetka Real Estate

I believe Michael Jacobs had the best quote of the day! It perfectly explains that old age (given you get there) is inevitable and it's how we handle it that matters.

I guess I missed something - when did you leave Florida?

Sep 25, 2023 01:05 PM
Katerina Gasset

I moved from Florida after 27 years of living there... the year after Nestor passed away. I live in Utah now, in the mountains, and love it!!! 

Sep 26, 2023 09:10 AM