motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Unleash the Power of NOW! 💥⏰ - 09/25/23 07:43 PM
Motivational Monday
- Unleash the Power of NOW! 💥⏰  
Many of us struggle to stay fully engaged in the present due to endless diversions. Think about it, our lives are a maze of distractions, and the list of things that can pull us out of the moment just keeps growing!
We may concentrate on a single task for a bit but, before you know it, another thought, ping, call or social media notification hits—and we're off chasing the next shiny object, leaving our main task in the dust. My recommendation, recognize these focus-stealers and craft a strategy to dodge them.
If you find … (43 comments)

motivational monday: Building Confidence in Business: The Road to Success 🌟 - 09/18/23 08:19 PM
Building Confidence in Business:
The Road to Success 🌟 
We all know that in the ever-competitive world of business, having a robust (but, within reason!) sense of self-assurance can be your secret weapon. Confidence is like a garden; it requires constant nurturing and care. So, how do you foster confidence that not only sustains but flourishes?
Self-Reflection is Key 🪞
It all begins with a deep understanding of oneself. Take time to recognize your strengths and acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small. Remember, every giant oak tree started as a small seed.
Continuous Learning 📚
Being well-read and informed cannot be overemphasized - especially in … (24 comments)

motivational monday: 5 Tips to Rekindle the Motivation Within - 08/21/23 02:27 PM
5 Tips to Rekindle the Motivation Within 
Motivation is the spark that ignites the engine of success and propels you towards your accomplishments.
You've likely felt those quick jolts of motivation after diving into a good book, sitting through a lecture, or getting lost in an uplifting movie. But, let's be real, those fleeting moments aren't going to cut it. We need that fire burning consistently.
Keeping that motivational vibe going all the time is not a walk in the park for most of us. However, continuing to fuel the ambition and desire is key. And a little advice? Motivational articles can be a … (57 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday: Unlocking Possibilities Through Adaptability - 07/17/23 09:47 AM
Motivational Monday: Unlocking Possibilities Through Adaptability  
In the exciting world of real estate, we find that flexibility and adaptability are overwhelmingly the top orders of the day. We operate within a landscape that is constantly evolving and morphing - sometimes into what, we don’t quite know yet! It's a realm that is as fluid as water, forever keeping us on our toes. Yet, within this state of constant flux which we live, quite the reliable pattern is present for us to see. By diligently tracking our local data, we become proficient in discerning the trajectory of our local markets.
Some facets of our … (44 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - The Positivity Effect: A Beacon of Light in a Chaotic World - 07/10/23 11:51 AM
Motivational Monday - The Positivity Effect: A Beacon of Light in a Chaotic WorldHappy Monday! Today, let's delve into the extraordinary power of spreading positivity. In a world that can occasionally feel overwhelming, even a small dose of happiness can work wonders. So, let's embark on an exciting journey together and explore the delightful ‘ripple effect’ that positivity can generate, both in our lives and the lives of those around us.
Positivity is infectious, my friends. It all begins with a warm smile, a heartfelt compliment or a thoughtful act of kindness. When we consciously choose to spread positivity, we unlock the … (23 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Mind Over Matter - 07/02/23 09:31 PM
Motivational Monday - Mind Over Matter 
How about some Monday inspiration as we delve into the brilliant mind of the world-renowned physicist, Stephen Hawking. Despite being diagnosed with ALS at a young age (21), Hawking's boundless curiosity and indomitable spirit led him to explore the deepest mysteries of the universe. 
Rather than allowing his diagnosis to dampen his spirits, he embarked on a remarkable journey, defying all odds and achieving monumental breakthroughs in the face of his severe physical limitations. Today, let's take a moment to reflect on Hawking's unwavering determination to conquer astronomical challenges and maintain a remarkable sense of positivity throughout … (21 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Accepting Reality (the Good AND the Bad) in Ourselves - 02/05/23 08:24 PM
Motivational Monday - Accepting Reality (the Good AND the Bad) in Ourselves 
External factors have an impact on our motivation levels during our work days, the one thing WE can control is the attitude that we bring to the table each day. On Mondays, I feel strongly about how significant our own attitudes are!
In our business, we all know that Mondays are often our most hectic days - the attorneys and many lenders, surveyors, inspectors…heck, almost all of our team is off over the weekend. Mondays are catch-up days, often requiring our firemen’s hats that day!
One thing that can help get you … (17 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Accepting Reality & Others in All You do - 02/05/23 08:08 AM
Motivational Monday - Accepting Reality & Others in All You do 
Of course, external factors have an impact on our motivation levels during our work days, the one thing WE can control is the attitude that we bring to the table each day. On Mondays, I feel strongly about how significant our own attitudes are!
In our business, we all know that Mondays are often our most hectic days - the attorneys and many lenders, surveyors, inspectors…heck, almost all of our team is off over the weekend. Mondays are catch-up days, often requiring our firemen’s hats that day!
Based on my experience as a … (34 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Saying Bye-Bye to One's Integrity - 09/20/21 10:30 AM
Motivational Monday - Saying Bye-Bye to One's IntegrityMy mission is to motivate and not lecture but, I had to share this... My hope is that this motivates you to rethink what you may say (or write) this week, motivating you to continue down a path of integrity!
Storytelling is something that we learn is so very helpful in our business - it helps clients understand the process a bit better when we use that as part of our educational arsenal. That's the kind of storytelling we are fond of...not the other kind!
Being the managing broker of a very busy group of top-producing … (78 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Want to Motivate Yourself? What Sets YOUR Soul on Fire? - 09/13/21 05:06 AM
Motivational Monday - Want to Motivate Yourself? What Sets YOUR Soul on Fire?
Today's Motivational Monday was inspired by Michael Jordan's quote this weekend,
“I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying.”
Many of our most successful business leaders - not only in real estate but, across the board - will tell you that they are most inspired by someone telling them that they cannot do something. Not giving up (tenacity) is one of those inner-most motivators that many successful people possess. As well, being too afraid to 'try' is not something successful business leaders experience either.  
I often … (36 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Work Balance on Labor Day - 09/06/21 09:13 AM
Motivational Monday - Work Balance on Labor DayAs I laboriously work for clients who are fighting to win a new home this lovely Labor Day, life/work balance is always an under-thought. Many of you know, I am a self-professed (and hubby-professed!) workaholic. While I have been working on that for several years, I believe this past year has helped me become more balanced. 
Labor unions set the standards in the mid-19th century for workers who now enjoy a 40-hour work week, minimum wage, sick leave, workers compensation, overtime pay, as well as child labor laws. The foundation was set to help create … (24 comments)

motivational monday: It’s Monday - A Fresh Perspective on the Most Dreaded Day of the Week - 05/24/21 04:33 PM
It’s Monday - A Fresh Perspective on the Most Dreaded Day of the Week
I’ve never been a huge fan of Mondays but, in my recent years, I’ve realized that they are not so bad! My perspective is something that I can change - and as with most unpalatable things in life, I’ve taken that approach to Mondays.
When I worked in the operating room and had a weekend off (I had every other off for years), I will admit to dreading Mondays. I was never quite ready to head back to the hospital on the first business work day of the week. … (32 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - The Struggle is Real - 01/11/21 09:31 PM
Motivational Monday - The Struggle is Real
So many quotes came to mind this past week to feature for today’s post. Life happens, struggles happen. Ah-ha, that's it! Let's talk about life's struggles and their outcomes. I’m a firm believer that the manner in which we approach these struggles has a lot to do with the outcome. Some of just this week's struggles come to mind...
This past week we had more political divisiveness - this struggle is real and is first and foremost in many American’s minds. We want to be ‘united’ but, our approach to our differences (struggles) seems to be … (34 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Ring in the New Year with Love - 01/04/21 09:09 PM
Motivational Monday - Ring in the New Year with Love
There are a few capacities we each have that come naturally to us. For example, some have the capacity to sing like a beautiful bird or others, to swim like a fish. Learning to love is not necessarily a skill that training and/or coaching will help facilitate - it's something we learn through life's experiences. There is an intrinsic capacity within all of us that can propel us to put forth a concentrated effort, to go extraordinary lengths for love and life - IF we allow it to.
A well-lived life, is one … (37 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Trendy or Classic? - 12/27/20 09:32 PM
Motivational Monday - Trendy or Classic?
As long as I have been in this business, we have been told that it is a necessity to flow with the trends. We must stay a step ahead and follow everything trendy - from social media to AI, you’re not a presence if you aren’t trendy.
Or are you?
Anna Banana Kruchten CRS CRB, Phoenix Broker and Carol Williams sponsored a challenge in October (Rising above the Pandemic) and @Margaret Rome’s April challenge (Finding Ways to Help During a Pandemic) got us all thinking outside the box. There were so many ideas, some that are trendy, some that … (50 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Following Your Dreams is No Joke - 12/21/20 08:14 AM
Motivational Monday - Following Your Dreams is No Joke
So many parents encourage their children to follow their dreams; others think everything that happens in life is meant to be and dreams are just not worthy of our time. In my opinion, those are glass-half-empty folks! 
Before I ever knew that Walt Disney had coined the phrase, “If you can dream it, you can do it,” I was saying that to my boys every day! I wanted them to believe in themselves and in their dreams. 

Pie-in-the-sky ‘dreams’ are not simply dreams - they are goals; they are exciting goals. We work diligently to … (50 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Harness the Power of Failure - 12/07/20 08:45 AM
Motivational Monday - Harness the Power of Failure
Sure, we will all fail at a few things along the way but, it is worth taking thoughtful risks and embracing failure when it happens. Why? Because we know those missteps enable us to iterate and grow as a business owner or team.
Viewing failure and recovery as one of life’s challenges - not a threat, not a negative - is something in which those with a propensity to never surrender, excel. Embracing failure is a game-changer! Harness the power of failure - you’ll likely learn more from failure than from any other source of wisdom you’ll … (33 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Take Time to Find Yourself - 11/30/20 06:42 AM
Motivational Monday - Take Time to Find Yourself
"Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of chaos, and sometimes in the middle of chaos, you find yourself." — Boonaa Mohammed
Think about that quote for a moment and just how relevant it is to what we have experienced this entire year. 
We hear that more and more people are fighting confinement (to their homes), either as a requirement or a choice due to quarantining or for health concerns. I have shared that during the time our city deemed real estate agents non-essential, I did a little self-reflection and learned I needed to seriously work on my workaholism. 
That … (36 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Tenacity, Stubborn Determination - 11/16/20 02:08 PM
Motivational Monday - Tenacity, Stubborn Determination
One could compare tenacity with beating a dead horse - or simply annoyance! Today’s motivation is 100% about the former - tenacity. 
The Oxford Dictionary defines tenacity as the quality or fact of being very determined; determination. If one is tenacious, they’re probably one who never gives up and never stops trying – someone who does whatever is required to accomplish a goal.  
Tenacity is the mark of the strategic thinker, never content with their methodology. Whereas someone who is ‘persistent,’ has an unrelenting approach but, works harder, not smarter. Tenacious people possess the same indomitable will … (50 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - On Being Real, Humble & Kind - 11/02/20 09:42 PM
Motivational Monday - On Being Real, Humble & Kind
Be adventurous, be brave, BE YOU! Discover a joyful reminder of how being real, humble and kind can not only change the lives of others but, can change you as well. 
The very definition of kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. Affection, gentleness, warmth, concern and care are words also associated with kindness. Apply these characteristics to you in your daily life.
Did you know that kindness has been found to be the most important predictor of satisfaction and stability in a marriage? 
Did you know that by simply being aware of those around you and … (26 comments)

Debe Maxwell, CRS, The RIGHT CHARLOTTE REALTOR! (Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310)

Debe Maxwell, CRS


Charlotte, NC

More about me…

Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310

Address: 2108 South BLVD, Suite 116, DILWORTH/SOUTH END/WILMORE, Charlotte, NC, 28203

Office: (704) 491-3310

Mobile: (704) 491-3310

Call (704) 491-3310 or email

Author Bio: Debe Maxwell is a Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) in the Charlotte Metro region with a focus on the Charlotte luxury home market. My team of agents each have their own specialty areas, a benefit to anyone buying a home in Charlotte NC.

If you're thinking of listing your home, I would love to meet with you and share our marketing success package with you. My homes sell faster and for more money and after all, isn't that what every seller wants?! We'd love to help you buy or sell in the Charlotte Metro region.



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